The Bugatti has been my favorite car for a while now; approximately since the 11th grade. I still remember the first time I saw one while driving randomly across the street from Cheltenham High School when I was on my way to who-knows-where. It was beautiful. Although I'm not a huge car fanatic, (I just learned where the windshield wiper fluid was a few months ago) this car is too sexy to not be a fan of. Check it out..

I've always had a need for speed, so it's only right that me and this car are meant for each other. A top speed pf 253 miles per hour, this is perfect for anyone in need for a "little" thrill. But what draws me to this car is not only that it's the fastest car I've ever heard of, but also that the make of the car looks beautiful. My good brother Chris says that he prefers a slower, more classy looking Phantom over this, but he just doesn't understand.

via billionaireboysclub

Stay Cool..


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