
POW! Has just introduced there newest colorway. A soon to be new obssession over something that may seem so small to others who don't know exactly what it is. I was put on to this chain by my good friend BZJ a while back. When he told me it cost 180 some odd dollars I thought he was a fool until I did the research on it and found out where it came from. If you're an avid follower of Hypebeast, you may have caught the interview with Verbal in which he talks about his creation of the Pow chain and how it didn't really get recognized until Kanye West wore; which usually tends to happen. You can check out the full interview by clicking here. Be on the lookout for these..

P.S. I'd like to thank Maya over at Midterm Yesterday for telling me how to use the links. I no longer have to tell you to click the title for the real article. LOL.
Stay Cool..


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